Services & Specialties

Dr. Jennifer (Jem) Minor, L.Ac, MAOM, DAHM

Daoist Sacred Embodiment Facilitator
[email protected]

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Private Sessions

Private In-Person Healing Sessions

At Nourishing Alchemy Healing Arts, you are met exactly where you are — whether that's in acute physical or emotional crisis, or you're ready for the next level of transformation as you step into a new phase of life or navigate a major transition.  

We support your alchemical healing journey with an individualized approach that may include a combination of:

  • Acupuncture & Bodywork
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Functional Nutrition
  • Qi Gong & Movement Practices
  • Meditation & Breath Work
  • Alchemical Life Strategies
  • Wellness Coaching
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Private Sessions

Wellness Coaching and Distance Healing Sessions

Nourishing Alchemy Healing Arts provides on-going support for your transformational healing journey, at any distance and in the privacy of your own home.

Zoom video conference calls offer a convenient way to continue to receive the nourishing, clear, practical support you need along the winding path of Alchemy!

Your individualized distance session may include some combination of:

  • Herbal or Nutritional Recommendations
  • Qi Gong & Breath Work
  • Guided Meditation
  • Energy Healing
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Alchemical Life-Strategizing

...all to support the changes you wish to make in your life that will allow you to thrive!

Learn More & Schedule Wellness Coaching and Distance Healing Sessions
Private Sessions

Workshops and Classes

Together, we co-create safe space in which to share practices to nurture your own healing work, to get comfortable embodying your own power, and to feel the transformations that take place (internally, externally, and in relationship) when you do this work for yourself.

I do my best to see you in your Wholeness, so I can offer my loving, experienced support to help you step into your authentic, sacred embodiment in the way that is right for You. Group offerings include: 

  • Qi Gong & Tai Chi
  • Jade Egg Yoni Exercises
  • Self-Breast Massage
  • Guided Meditations & Visualizations
  • Healing Sounds & Breath Work 
  • Sexual Vitality Practices
  • Internal Alchemy
  • Feminine Power Circles
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Private Sessions

Professional Mentoring

Mentoring sessions are tailored to your needs and are designed to meet you where you are and help you to thrive. Together, we will work to cultivate your unique strengths, foster your professional development, and support your path toward excellence.

I strive to see you in your full potential, providing loving and experienced guidance to help you step into your authentic, professional embodiment. Offerings include:

  • One-on-One Mentoring
  • Small Groups
  • Practice Management Strategies
  • CEU Classes
  • Courses on Alchemical Acupuncture
  • Cultivation for Practitioners
Email Jem About Professional Mentoring


Private Sessions

Classical Chinese Medicine

Daoist Classical Chinese Medicine works on all aspects of the body-mind-spirit, rather than focusing just on the physical. It combines alchemical acupuncture, bodywork, herbs, nutrition, meditation, qigong, and self-cultivation practices into an empowering framework not just for healing, but for profound spiritual evolution.

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Private Sessions

Deep Clearing Treatments for Trauma Healing

Have you tried everything to heal past trauma — and wonder why you still react so strongly and can’t “get over” it? Or, perhaps you've ignored it for years? If now you’re ready to transform it for good...

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Private Sessions

Women's Health

Supporting women in embodying their true essence and creative power with a whole-being approach to healing trauma and reclaiming vitality through all phases of a woman's life including pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause.

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Private Sessions

Sexual Cultivation Work

This is Life Force Energy, this is what creates everything. How we choose to use Source Energy, and how we clear our emotions before we activate it, is essential.

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Private Sessions

Alchemical Acupuncture

Blends traditional acupuncture techniques with alchemical principles to promote deep, holistic healing... clearing emotional and physical blockages, and facilitating a transformation that supports overall well-being and personal growth.

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Private Sessions

Whole Family Wellness

Acupuncture, acupressure & Chinese herbal medicine are effective for all ages and stages of life!

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