Workshops and Classes
Personal & Collective Evolution within a “We-Space”
When we come together to cultivate our Qi within the "we-space" of a co-created group energy field, we access different layers of healing and transformation that we can't access in solo practice.
— Dr. Jem Minor, Daoist Sacred Embodiment Facilitator, [email protected]
Contact JemDaoist Sacred Sexual Embodiment Practices for Women: Clearing Sexual Trauma & Cultivating Vitality
This is our signature, foundational course that's now available online as "Thriving Beyond Trauma"!
In this course, we address issues ranging from female hormonal imbalances to clearing trauma from sexual abuse and inherited patterns of disharmony.
We explore the emotional and spiritual energetics that contribute to physical dis-ease through experiential Daoist practices including:
- Jade Egg Yoni Exercises
- Breast Self-Massage
- Guided Meditations
- Visualizations
- Healing Sounds & Breath-work
- Sexual Vitality Qi Gong
- Creative Movement
- Microcosmic Orbit Circulation
Additionally, we integrate Feminine Power practices to help you come more fully into your Wholeness, to cultivate a healthy relationship with all aspects of yourself, and to support your co-creation of the life you dream of living!
Learn More About Thriving Beyond TraumaIn-Person Qi Gong Classes and Workshops
Upcoming workshops and classes will be posted here!
We are excited to see how these future events unfold, such as: seasonal qi gong class series and workshops, Level 2 of the Daoist Sacred Sexual Embodiment Class Series for Women, Heart-Womb Alchemy Retreats, and a Co-ed Sexual Vitality Qi Gong Series.
Feel free to email [email protected] if you have questions, workshop requests, or would like her to teach a section of your upcoming women's retreat!
Email Jem Questions & Requests
Online Classes, Workshops & Programs
Would you like to learn these powerful practices in the privacy, comfort, and convenience of your own home? Does the idea of doing deep womb-work with other women in-person feel too vulnerable for the stage of healing you're at now?
The 12-week foundational course is available online now!
We are delighted to offer these practices in an online, self-paced format, with downloadable video, audio, and PDF guides to the practices. Online program participants also receive priority scheduling for 1:1 sessions and discounted registration for upcoming in-person workshops and retreats!
We are also continuing to develop more online courses to serve you and to grow a community of thriving, self-actualizing women!
Find Out More... And Register for the 12-Week Online Course Here
I work with people committed not just to their own growth process, but also to the healing transformation each individual can bring to the Collective.
Our Inner Ecology Supports the Collective Ecology
As we come into greater harmony within ourselves and allow our own Essences to radiate forth, we also support the evolution of the collective! By consciously coming together to practice these physical and spiritual skills, we amplify the healing benefits for ourselves and the whole group — and we send that healing energy out into a world that dearly needs more of us living in our Empowered Essence!
Here, we devote to the “we space” of what we create together, not simply the symbiosis of getting what we want from each other — that’s not enough. This is about consciously co-creating a larger, more sustainable Ecology.
Everybody’s Growth Edges are Different
I work with people committed to their own growth process, who are engaged with themselves and with the world, willing to be in their integrity and to feel what's possible in themselves, and through our working relationship.
Healing comes through our relationship and through your own relationship with Source Energy.
I know some amazing tools for clearing out whatever is blocking your access to Source Energy, but you already have that energy available. Everyone has their own innate abundance of Source Energy — it's just that certain experiences and situations make it feel harder to access!
I've spent many years learning tools, strategies, and techniques for re-connecting to Source energy, and I continue to learn more! Some techniques use needles and bodywork, because things get stored in the body and need to be released, and some of them are individual self-cultivation processes for you to utilize yourself. The combination of the two together is powerful!
Both types of these tools must be consciously, actively engaged with by the person seeking, in order for healing and evolution to happen.
I offer you my heart’s connection, and my knowledge and skill as a Daoist Healing Practitioner, to nourish:
❦ your emotional ecology
❦ your communal life
❦ your intimate relationships
❦ and your relationship with your own body
I'm honored and delighted to co-create safe space in which to share practices to nurture your own healing work, to get comfortable embodying your own power, and to feel the transformations that take place (internally, externally, and in relationship) when you do this work for yourself.
And, the responsibility is your own! I do my best to see you in your Wholeness, so I can offer my loving, experienced support to help you step into your authentic, sacred embodiment in the way that is right for you.